About the Project
Clark County has changed significantly since the current Master Plan was first adopted in 1983, and the Development Code was last overhauled in 2000. While both documents have been updated over time, they have become cumbersome to use and administer, and are no longer reflective of Clark County’s diverse community of interests. Through the Transform Clark County process, Clark County seeks to:
Establish a cohesive vision to guide Clark County over the next 20 to 30 years;
Update goals and policies to ensure they reflect both countywide and area-specific priorities;
Develop an actionable implementation strategy to achieve the vision;
Improve alignment between the Land Use Plan and Development Code; and
Streamline the development processes to make them more efficient and predictable.
Clark County encompasses a large geographic area and a diverse community of interests.  Ensuring that the updated Master Plan and Development Code are reflective of both countywide and area-specific priorities will require extensive community and stakeholder input. Your feedback will help shape Clark County’s future!